Rule No: 

(a)         General Requirements. Every voluntary petition submitted to the clerk of court for
filing shall be accompanied by one of the following payment options: (i) full payment of the applicable
filing fee; (ii) a signed application for waiver of the filing fee, if the debtor is eligible; or (iii) a signed
application to pay the filing fee in installments.

(b)          Application to Pay Filing Fee in Installments. If the debtor is unable to pay the
filing fee except in installments, the debtor must file an Application for Individuals to Pay the Filing
Fee in Installments (Official Form B 103A) with the voluntary petition.

                  (1) The initial installment payment for individual chapter 7, 12 or 13 cases shall be
$100. The initial installment payment for individual chapter 11 cases shall be $350. The initial
installment is due with the voluntary petition.

                  (2) The chapter 13 trustee is authorized to pay the balance of the filing fee owing in
a chapter 13 case in which the debtor has been authorized to pay the filing fee in installments from plan
payments made prior to confirmation of the plan.

                  (3) An application to pay the filing fee in installments will be denied if the debtor or
joint debtor has commenced a bankruptcy case within 8 years before the date of the filing of the instant
petition, or has a pending case, in which the filing fees are owed to the Bankruptcy Court for the
Western District of Washington.

(c)          Application for Waiver of Filing Fee. An individual chapter 7 debtor seeking a waiver of
the chapter 7 filing fee must file an Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived (Official
Form B 103B) with the voluntary petition. Local Rule W.D. Wash. LCR 3(b) shall not apply in
bankruptcy cases.