Confirm a Hearing
To confirm, strike or continue hearings on the Judges’ calendars, attorneys must submit the appropriate text-only entry (no PDF required) in ECF from the options listed below:
(1) Notice to Court of Intent to Argue
(2) Notice to Court Agreement Reached
(3) Notice to Court Motion to Withdraw
(4) Notice to Court Requesting Continuance
Once the moving attorney or an objecting party makes one of the confirmation entries above, all ECF participants associated with the case will receive an email from ECF advising them that the matter has been confirmed for oral argument, stricken, settled by agreement, or continued.
Using the E-Confirmation process does not negate the requirement that any request for a continuance must have the consent of all objecting parties.
IMPORTANT: When submitting a Notice to Court of Intent to Argue entry to confirm your hearing, if the matter has been continued from one hearing date to another, please link this entry to both the motion and to the last minute entry continuing the hearing to the hearing date you are confirming.
After submitting a Notice to Court of Intent to Argue entry, run the following report to verify that it's on the calendar to be argued (Note: This report is not subject to PACER fees and is free of charge):
1) Select Reports > Calendar Events
2) Select the Judge's name and the Hearing Date
3) Select Run Report
For Pro Se filers: Please contact the appropriate Courtroom Deputy to confirm hearings.
If the entry does not appear on the calendar, please alert the appropriate Help Desk:
Seattle cases call (206) 370-5200 or email
Tacoma cases call (253) 882-3900 or email