Voice Case Information System (VCIS) at 866-222-8029 is connected to the Bankruptcy Court’s electronic case file system and can be accessed from any touch tone telephone to hear current case information in English or Spanish. This is a free service and is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.
The following information is provided:
- Case number
- Names of debtors or principal adversaries
- Last four digits of SSN
- Case filing date
- Case chapter
- Name of debtor’s attorney
- Name of trustee
- Name of judge
- Discharge and closed dates
- Status of the case
- Whether or not the case has assets
- Telephone number of debtor’s attorney
- Deadlines for filing proofs of claim
- First meeting of creditors date
How to use VCIS
Dial (866) 222-8029. To hear information in Spanish, press 2 after dialing the VCIS number.
You will be asked to say the name of the state that you want to connect to. Say the name of the state first, then the district. To access cases filed in the Western District of Washington say “Washington Western” or press # to select the bankruptcy court of your choice using the keypad:
Select 73 for Western Washington Bankruptcy Court
Select 7 for Eastern Washington Bankruptcy Court
Select 27 for Oregon Bankruptcy Court
- You will be prompted to select one of the following options:
- For instructions on how to use the system, press 1 or say help.
- To search by case number, press 2 or say case number.
- To search by participant name, press 3 or say name.
- To search by social security number, press 4 or say social security.
To enter the name of the participant, type the last name, then the first name, followed by the middle initials. Spaces and punctuation are not needed. For businesses, omit suffixes such as Inc. or Corp.
- The system will provide information about the case.