Thursday, December 5, 2024
The following national amended and new rules and forms became effective December 1, 2024:
- Appellate Rules 32, 35, and 40, and the Appendix of Length Limits;
- Bankruptcy Restyled Rules Parts I through IX, Rules 1007, 4004, 5009, 7001, and 9006, and new Rule 8023.1;
- Bankruptcy Official Form 410A;
- Civil Rule 12; and
- Evidence Rules 613, 801, 804, and 1006, and new Rule 107.
Bankruptcy Official Form 423 was abrogated.
Of particular interest to bankruptcy practitioners are new FRBP 8023.1 and amended FRBP 7001. Rule 7001(a) now provides that a proceeding by an individual debtor to recover tangible personal property under Section 542(a) is an exception to matters that must be raised as an adversary proceeding. The Bankruptcy Court for the W.D. Washington did not amend or adopt local rules of bankruptcy procedure during this rule cycle. Events in CM/ECF have been updated to reflect the abrogation of Official Form 423.