News & Announcements: January, 2020

The Bankruptcy Court for the W.D. Washington announces a Bench Bar event to be held via Zoom on January 19, 2021 from 3 – 5 p.m.  The agenda for this event is below.  Your virtual participation is encouraged. Pre-registration for this event is...
The Bankruptcy Court is generally not conducting any in-person hearings due to the covid-19 pandemic. If you have an evidentiary hearing or trial scheduled prior to April 1, 2021, please contact the assigned judge's chambers. Non-evidentiary matters...
Various amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure become effective today, December 1, 2020. A comprehensive list of all federal rule changes can be found on the U.S. Courts website. The rule...
WAWB Bankruptcy Practice Tips
The Western District of Washington Bankruptcy Court adopted a set of local rules establishing the Thomas T. Glover Mediation Program in 2012.  The Program offers pro bono and low fee mediation with qualified mediators, most of whom are experienced...
At the discretion of the individual judge, the Bankruptcy Court may begin to hold a limited number of in-person trials and evidentiary hearings. For the benefit of all participants, the Court has adopted certain health and safety protocols that will...
The Judiciary has entered into an new contract with the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC). As part of that transition, the BNC will be implementing a new form of Certificate of Notice. An example is attached. The changes to the form certificate are...
                                                     PUBLIC NOTICE SOLICITATION OF APPLICANTS TO SERVE AS SUBCHAPTER V TRUSTEES The United States Department of Justice, Office of the United States Trustee, seeks resumes from persons wishing to be...
At its March 2020 session, the Judicial Conference for the United States approved inflationary increases to some components of the Bankruptcy Miscellaneous Fee Schedule, 28 U.S.C.section 1930. These fee increases, outlined in the attached document,...
The U.S. Trustee Program has extended the requirement that section 341 meetings be conducted by telephone or video appearance to all cases filed during the period of the President's "Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the...
Because of the strong interest bankruptcy practitioners expressed in regard to the Western District of Washington Bankruptcy Court’s Thomas T. Glover Mediation Program survey, the deadline for responding has been further extended to SEPTEMBER 14TH...
The Judicial Conference Advisory Committees on Appellate, Bankruptcy, Civil, and Criminal Rules have proposed amendments to various rules. These proposed changes, and the advisory committees' reports explaining the proposed rule changes, are posted...
Judge Barreca calendars. 
The Western District of Washington Bankruptcy Court announces online payment options for those not registered in the CM/ECF electronic filing system.  Payment of court fees (filing fees and installment payments, copies, recordings of hearings, etc...
An electronic filing option is available for parties without an attorney (debtors and creditors). Such parties may use this service to submit documents for filing with the court.Parties are limited to 5 submissions per day; each submission may...
The Western District of Washington Bankruptcy Court's Thomas T. Glover Mediation Program is seeking input and feedback from bankruptcy practitioners through the survey link below. Responses are welcome from both practitioners who have used the...
New PACER Website Check out PACER's newly redesigned, informational and resource website, The website provides information about how the public can access federal court records electronically and have easy access to...
The Seattle U.S. Trustee's office is currently seeking an experienced bankruptcy attorney to join the office as a trial attorney.   Details of the position, and required qualifications can be found at:
Effective June 3, a new event will be available in ECF for docketing a notice of substantial consummation of a Subchapter V plan of reorganization.  Not later than 14 days after the plan of the debtor is substantially consummated, the debtor shall...
In January, the Court entered General Order 2020-1, adopting Interim Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure to implement the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019.  In March, 2020, Congress enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act...
The District Court has entered General Order 7-20 which extends the closing of the Seattle and Tacoma courthouses to the general public for an additional 30 days to May 13, 2020. The Bankruptcy Court will continue to hear non-evidentiary matters...
Given the transition to telephonic hearings in most matters, there are questions as to how hearings should be noticed.   If a matter was originally set for a physical hearing location, and will now be conducted telephonically per Court order,...
The Court has entered a general order adopting interim procedures to clarify the need for a physical signature under Local Bankruptcy Rule 5005-1(d)(2). General Order 2020-3 allows ECF filers to use digital software and other alternatives to...
Judge Lynch has announced that his March 31 calendar in Vancouver will be held telephonically. In addition, Judge Lynch’s March 25 calendar in Tacoma will be held telephonically. Guidance and instructions are listed below.   Judge Heston has...
Judge Dore's Chapter 13 Calendar on March 18 will be held telephonically.  Please contact Judge Dore's chambers for instructions and dial in information: 206-370-5300.
On March 17, in furtherance of efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19, the District Court entered a General Order closing the courthouses in Seattle and Tacoma to the general public. The Bankruptcy Court will continue with scheduled non-evidentiary...
The United States Trustee has announced the following: All in-person chapter 7,12, and 13 section 341 meetings scheduled through April 10, 2020, are hereby continued until a later date to be determined. Absent special circumstances, section 341...
Judge Barreca's calendars for March 19 (Seattle), April 1 (Everett) and April 2 (Seattle) will be telephonic only. Instructions and guidelines for telephonic appearances are as follows: Instructions (1) Dial: 1-888-363-4749 (2) Enter Access Code:...
In re PNW Healthcare Holdings, LLC and subsidiaries, consolidated case no. 19-43754. The official claims register, case documents and docket information can be found at
The courthouses in Seattle and Tacoma, and the bankruptcy clerk's offices remain open to the public.  However, in keeping with local and national recommendations to help limit the spread of COVID-19, the Clerk's offices in Seattle and Tacoma are...
In light of the public health circumstances that our community is currently facing, the Pro Se Bankruptcy Clinic at the Seattle Courhouse will NOT be held in person on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Instead, those seeking to attend the clinic can...
Judge Alston’s ‪March 19‬ and ‪March 20‬ Seattle Calendars to be held by Telephone Only* *Instructions to Participate (1) Dial: ‪1-888-363-4749‬ (2) Enter Access Code: 8955076# (3) Press the # sign (4) Enter Security Code when prompted: 3564...
In accordance with direction from the United States Trustee, chapter 7 and chapter 13 trustees will accommodate all reasonable requests for continuances of section 341 meetings by debtors who are concerned about exposure to COVID-19. Debtors who...
Seattle and King County Public Health recommend that people at higher risk of severe illness should limit their risk of exposure to COVID-19. If you fall within a higher...
The Local Bankruptcy Rules Committee (“LBR Committee”) is typically reactivated and reconstituted every few years to review and improve this District’s local rules. The LBR Committee is currently chaired by Judge Dore and is otherwise made up...
National and Local Rule Changes Implementing the SBRA The Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (the SBRA) becomes effective on February 19, 2020. To implement the SBRA's substantive and procedural changes to the Bankruptcy Code and Federal...
Attached are the power point slides from the recent bench bar presentations on the Small Business Reform Act. The Court thanks Zach Cooper, Krystal Mikkilineni, Hilary Bramwell Mohr, Samuel Dart, and Laurie Thornton for participating in the panel...
The Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (the SBRA) becomes effective on February 19, 2020. To implement the SBRA's substantive and procedural changes to the Bankruptcy Code and Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the Judicial Conference of...
Judges Heston and Lynch announce new procedures for motions to shorten time.  Effective January 23, 2020, all motions for shortening time filed in the W.D. Washington will follow the same procedure.  Specific information is set forth on the chambers...
The Court will host three bench/bar events in January and February.  Presentations will include a discussion of recent bankruptcy legislation: The Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019, The HAVEN Act, and The Family Farmer Relief Act of 2019....